A Review on pH, DO and BOD of the Sitalakhya River during Last Four Decades

Monjur Morshed *

Environment, Health and Safety Department, Max Power Limited, Ghorashal, Narshingdi, 1610, Bangladesh.

Muzaffer Hosen

Operation and Maintenance Department, Max Power Limited, Ghorashal, Narshingdi, 1610, Bangladesh.

Md. Asaduzzaman

Olericulture Division, Horticulture Research Center, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701, Bangladesh.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


As a developing country, industrialization is rapidly growing up in Bangladesh. Most of the cases, the industrialization process don’t considering any impact on environmental body. In this study, the impact of unplanned industrialization on the surface water is the main focus. In between several resources, the water quality of the Sitalakhya River is our study area. Quality of the Sitalakhya River water is getting polluted day by day through industrial effluents and household wastewater, lube oil and oil spillage around the operation of river ports. The Sitalakhya river water quality analysis is considered between 1975 to 2018, qualitative and quantitative results for pH, DO and BOD were analyzed and also trends of these parameters were also analyzed. Day by day river water quality going far away from EQS value, which is significantly harmful to flora fauna. In this circumstance, industrial effluent and other environmental impacts from unplanned industrialization is main goal of this study. This study shows, how unplanned industrialization can damage an environmental system which is very harmful to our entire ecological cycle. If cannot control this unplanned industrialization, water body will damage and all related ecosystem will be effected.

Keywords: Water pollution, water quality, waste water, unplanned urbanization, river water

How to Cite

Morshed, Monjur, Muzaffer Hosen, and Md. Asaduzzaman. 2021. “A Review on PH, DO and BOD of the Sitalakhya River During Last Four Decades”. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research 14 (1):25-42. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajfar/2021/v14i130288.